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November 2022: Trailin' Tendrils 🌿

These trailing succulents grow long, cascading stems that will spill out of containers. They’re also a great option for hanging planters! With their slender, string-like stems, they tend to thrive with a bit more water than most succulents.

Senecio rowleyanus - String of Pearls

Hardy to 30°F (Zone 10)

Senecio radicans - String of Bananas

Hardy to 30°F (Zone 10)

Senecio radicans 'Glauca' - Blue Pickle Vine

Hardy to 30°F (Zone 10)

Peperomia prostrata - String of Turtles

Hardy to 30°F (Zone 10)

Othonna capensis - Ruby Necklace

Hardy to 30°F (Zone 10)

Callisia navicularis - Chain Plant

Hardy to 30°F (Zone 10)