Sedum acre 'Aureum'
Outdoor succulent that makes an easy groundcover that tolerates temperatures down to -30F (Zone 4)
These sweet succulents are waking up as the days get longer and sunnier. More light helps them grow healthy, compact forms and show off their best colors. Sedum 'Aureum' thrives outdoors year-round but the rest need protection from frost.
Outdoor succulent that makes an easy groundcover that tolerates temperatures down to -30F (Zone 4)
Pale blue leaves verging on white that get a rosy pink blush at their edges when grown in bright sun
Classic beauty with an ivory base color that blushes pink when gently stressed with full sun and drought
Loose rosette of green leaves that can flush reddish when gently stressed by direct sun
Chunky, triangular leaves with a rough texture stack up on stems up to 6" tall
Neat green and red rosette that has distinct lines on the undersides of its leaves like its E. nodulosa parent
Round, apple green leaves contrast with flexible red to purple stems
Variegated form of K. x houghtonii that develops bubblegum pink highlights when grown in full sun
Robust, stemmed succulent that’s easy to grow and adds height to arrangements